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The next generation of platform. Secure. Reliable. Universal.

Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd delivers modern, cloud-native network security and reliability to any Kubernetes platform. Built on open source and powered by Rust, the language of the future.

Auditable zero trust

Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd provides a complete zero-trust layer of network security and access control built on industry standards such as mutual TLS, the Gateway API, and the memory-safe Rust language. Say goodbye to IP-based access control, perimeter firewalls, and buffer overflow exploits. Say hello to workload identity, end-to-end encryption for all customer data, and ultra-fine-grained security boundaries.

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Ultra-high availability

Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd adds dynamic traffic management and control features designed for the realities of modern software applications. Remove single points of failure, dynamically redistribute application traffic in response to failure at any level, and much, much more. BEL's fully distributed, Rust-based dataplane capable of handling everything from HTTP/2 and gRPC traffic down to raw TCP streams while withstanding network partitions, machine outages, failures of clusters, zones, and regions, and anything else you can throw its way.

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Network optimization and cost savings

Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd can optimize not just latency but network spend, ensuring your dollars are spent on business priorities first. Decommission expensive application load balancers, automatically reduce cross-zone network spend with intelligent load balancing, and more. BEL's highly-available zone-aware routing preserves zone locality, reduces latency, and automatically cuts unnecessary cloud spend on traffic between availability zones.

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no bad endpoints

A production-ready distribution of Linkerd

Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd is the production-ready distribution of the Linkerd service mesh. It's the distribution of Linkerd that we run in our own production systems, and contains the tools and additional features necessary for sustained production use.

We're committed to open source.

Linkerd logo

We created Linkerd in 2015 and coined the term "service mesh", creating an entire industry. We’ve been investing in the open source Linkerd project and the community around it ever since and today continue to be the primary maintainers of the open source project.

Rust logo

We’ve been leading the charge for introducing Rust to the cloud native space. Linkerd’s innovative microproxy approach is powered by Rust, allowing us to deliver lightning-fast performance without the security vulnerabilities of languages like C++.

CNCF logo

We contributed Linkerd to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation in 2016, and in 2019, Linkerd became the first service mesh project to achieve graduated status in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, the highest level of maturity possible.


Why Rust?

Rust logo

According to the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, an astonishing 70% of serious security bugs are memory vulnerabilities —a problem that is endemic to software written in C and C++. At Buoyant, security is central to everything we do, which is why Linkerd is the only service mesh built in Rust, a language that protects against precisely this type of vulnerability by default while being just as fast (if not faster!) than C and C++. After all, the network of the future can't be built in the language of the past.

Watch: Why the future of the cloud will be built in Rust. Oliver Gould, CTO.


Google’s Chromium project found that 70% of serious security bugs are due to memory safety problems. Linkerd avoids these problems by using Rust.

We partner with world-changing companies.

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We power mission-critical applications around the world.

Sr. Software Development Engineer
Chris Voss
Chris Voss
Sr. Software Development Engineer
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We have 26+ Kubernetes clusters across several Azure regions, each with 50+ microservices and 700 to 1,000 pods ... We were able to secure traffic between 22k pods with zero-config mTLS...[and] thanks to Linkerd...we are saving valuable engineering hours, which translates into more focus on feature work.

Lead Platform Architect
Kasper Nissen
Kasper Nissen
Lead Platform Architect
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We had the Linkerd multi-cluster up and running within an hour! After a few days of struggling with Istio, we gave up on it. Linkerd did the job fast and easily — the perfect mesh for us. It had all the features we needed at the time, was easy to operate, had a great community, and solid documentation.

Lead Software Engineer
Lachlan Smith
Lachlan Smith
Lead Software Engineer
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Unlike other service mesh offerings that crowd half baked features into the mix, or over-complicated topology choices, Linkerd follows the Unix model of doing one thing well, in a composable way. Lachlan Smith, Lead Software Engineer

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