Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd Plans and Pricing

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for the first 100 meshed pods. $50/mo for each additional 100 meshed pods.

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For teams adopting modern platform security, reliability, and observability via the service mesh.

Stable release artifacts
Lifecycle automation operator
L7 load balancing, routing, and
metrics for all HTTP and gRPC traffic
Zero-config mutual TLS
Blue-green deploys
CVE remediation SLAs


for the first 100 meshed pods. $75/mo for each additional 100 meshed pods.

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For companies standardizing on security, high availability, and multi-cluster communication

Everything in Standard, plus:
Multi-cluster communication
Zero-trust L7 network security policies
Automatic cross-cluster failover
Support for Linux VM workloads


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For enterprises with special security, compliance, and additional operational requirements.

Everything in Premium, plus:
SBOMs, hotpatch releases, and
CVE remediation SLAs
High Availability Zone-aware
Load Balancing
FIPS-140-2 compliance
Enterprise support with 24x7 SLAs

Try it for free

Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd is always free to try for non-production traffic —no plan required.
Companies with fewer than 50 employees can use BEL in production for free, at any scale.

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Zero-config encryption and authentication of all meshed traffic
Cryptographic workload identities, not IP addresses
Secure-by-default Rust data plane
Zero-trust granular authorization policies
Security policy generation from live traffic
Latency-based load balancing
Timeouts and retries
Circuit breaking
gRPC load balancing
Automated failover, including across clusters
Traffic Routing
L7-aware request routing
Transparent multi-cluster communication
Meshing of VM and non-Kubernetes applications
Uniform L7 metrics including success rates and latency distributions
Easy export to any Prometheus-compatible metrics store
Distributed tracing
Lifecycle automation including GitOps-compatible installation and upgrades
Gateway API support
Mutual TLS (mTLS)
CVE remediation SLAs
Software Bills-of-Materials (SBOMs) for all components
SLAs on CVE remediation
Hotfix releases
FIPS-140-2 compliant cryptography
Management with Buoyant Cloud
Single pane of glass multi-cluster dashboard
Continuous health checking
Alerts and metrics integration with Datadog, Teams, PagerDuty, and more
Cloud cost reduction
Support and integration
Enterprise support from Linkerd experts
24x7 on call SLAs
30-day "white glove" onboarding
Architecture review and best practice guidance

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Zero-config encryption and authentication of all meshed traffic
Cryptographic workload identities, not IP addresses
Zero-trust granular authorization policies
Secure-by-default Rust data plane
Security policy generation from live traffic
Latency-based load balancing
Timeouts and retries
Automated failover, including across clusters
Circuit breaking
gRPC load balancing
L7-aware request routing
Transparent multi-cluster communication
Uniform L7 metrics includg success rates and latency distributions
Easy export to any Prometheus-compatible metrics store
Distributed tracing
Lifecycle automation including GitOps-compatible installation and upgrades
Gateway API support
Mutual TLS (mTLS)
Software Bills-of-Materials (SBOMs) for all components
SLAs on CVE remediation
Hotfix releases
FIPS-140-2 compliant cryptography
Management with Buoyant Cloud
Single pane of glass multi-cluster dashboard
Continuous health checking
Alerts and metrics integration with Datadog, Teams, PagerDuty, and more
Cloud cost reduction
Support and integration
24x7 on-call support
30-day "white glove" onboarding
Architecture review and best practice guidance

Frequently asked questions

I have more than 2,500 meshed pods. How much will Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd cost?

We've got you covered. Please contact us for volume pricing.

My pod count can vary wildly because of our architecture. What should I do?

We use the monthly median number of pods to account for fluctuations in pod counts. If you have a unique architecture for which that approach isn't sufficient, please contact us and we'll find a way to make it work.

I work at a non-profit. Can we get a break?

We're happy to accommodate non-profits and others in unique situations.
Contact us!

Do I have to pay to try BEL?
blue chevron

No. Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd is free to use for non-production, up to 100 meshed pods, even at companies with 50 or more employees. Test away!

What constitutes "production use"?
blue chevron

Production use includes handling any traffic from your customers, or handling any traffic that is directly tied to revenue or otherwise critical to the business.

I'm using Linkerd 2.14. How long do I have to decide if BEL is right for my company?
blue chevron

To ease the transition for companies using Linkerd 2.14 and earlier, Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd is unrestricted for use at any company in the world, including production use at companies with 50 or more employees, until May 21st, 2024.

What is the difference between BEL and Linkerd?
blue chevron

Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd is our production-ready distribution of  Linkerd. BEL is how we run Linkerd ourselves in our production-critical systems, and we're confident that it is the most stable, reliable, and powerful way to run and operate Linkerd for your mission-critical applications. Read more about the differences between BEL and open source Linkerd.

Why not just use Linkerd edge releases?
blue chevron

You are more than welcome to use Linkerd edge releases. It's a great way to help the open source project find and triage bugs early, and you'll always have the latest and greatest Linkerd code at your disposal.

What are stable release artifacts?
blue chevron

Linkerd is a fast-moving project, and our BEL releases are designed to optimize for stability in production environments. To minimize the delta between successive releases, we cherry-pick bugfixes from mainline Linkerd and backport them to the previous stable release. Each BEL release is delivered as a stable release artifact including binaries and Helm charts, which have undergone rigorous testing, including testing in production environments, before they hit your cluster.

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