FIPS 140-2 and 140-3
FIPS validated encryption in transit for any Kubernetes app
Kubernetes at the Edge
Instant network security and reliability for Kubernetes on the edge
Zero Trust Security
Zero trust network security in Kubernetes
with the service mesh
with the service mesh

A Zero Trust Reference Architecture
A deep dive into zero trust security in Kubernetes, and how projects like Linkerd can work together.
Linkerd, service mesh, and much more!
Case studies
Learn how organizations across the world
run Linkerd in production.
run Linkerd in production.
Ebooks, videos and resources
Enterpise-focused documents to
better inform you about the service mesh
better inform you about the service mesh

The enterprise architect's guide to the service mesh
A complete guide to everything the modern enterprise architect needs to know about service meshes.
DownloadService Mesh Academy
Hands-on, engineer-focused training on
the fundamentals of Linkerd.
Buoyant Linkerd Forum
Get support for Linkerd from the
maintainers, experts, and Linkerd community!
maintainers, experts, and Linkerd community!
The Service Mesh Manifesto
What every software engineer needs to know
about the service mesh.
about the service mesh.
Linkerd vs Istio
How do the two service meshes compare?
Linkerd vs Cilium
Five Key Differences in 2024
Guide to mTLS and Kubernetes
A Kubernetes engineer’s guide to mutual TLS.
Upcoming Workshop
Live on
Feb 13
OpenTelemetry and Linkerd
OpenTelemetry distributed tracing and metrics can provide powerful standards-based observability tools for your microservices applications, and Linkerd can now support OpenTelemetry directly rather than requiring translating from OpenCensus.
Register to attendSelf paced courses
Get Service Mesh-Certified with Buoyant's Service Mesh Academy self-paced course Service Mesh 101.
Enroll now