New ebook: The Enterprise Architect’s Guide to the Service Mesh!
Get Service Mesh-Certified with Buoyant. Enroll »
FIPS validated encryption in transit for any Kubernetes app
A deep dive into zero trust security in Kubernetes, and how projects like Linkerd can work together.
Linkerd, service mesh, and much more!
A complete guide to everything the modern enterprise architect needs to know about service meshes.
Hands-on, engineer-focused training on the fundamentals of Linkerd.
Linkerd is bringing a couple of new features into the world! Egress metrics, egress control, and Federated Services are major additions to Linkerd for the 2.17 release, giving Linkerd new capabilities to manage real-world applications gracefully.
Get Service Mesh-Certified with Buoyant's Service Mesh Academy self-paced course Service Mesh 101.
Today, we're happy to announce that Buoyant is profitable, growing, and more committed than ever to our customers and to Linkerd.