Linkerd Forever

Linkerd Forever

William Morgan

Oct 23, 2024

Today, we're happy to announce that Buoyant is profitable, growing, and more committed than ever to our customers and to Linkerd.

This year has been a significant one for us. In February, we shifted creation of Linkerd stable release packages to our Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd distribution. Since then, we've doubled our enterprise customer base, doubled our recurring revenue, and become that rare breed in the startup world—a profitable and growing company.

We're using this momentum to double down on Linkerd. We're hiring additional maintainers, support engineers, and other crucial roles. We're executing like crazy on Linkerd's exciting roadmap. And we're spending significant time with our customers to understand and meet the novel challenges they face today, a decade after Kubernetes was introduced—a world of AI, autonomous vehicles, holographic glasses, and other incredible advances in technology almost unimaginable 10 years ago.

Profitability allows us to make statements about Linkerd that no other service mesh can. Linkerd's survival is not at the mercy of VC funding or internal political battles at mega-corporations. Linkerd survives and grows based on one thing only: our ability to solve real problems for real customers. That mission brings clarity. That mission gives us 100% of our focus.

Want to learn more? Talk to our expert sales team, who understand deeply the challenges that platform builders face today.

Want to join us? We're hiring.

Let's do this.
