Service Mesh Academy

Practical Multi-Cluster: Disaster Recovery, Cloud Migration, Progressive Delivery, and More

Thursday, July 18, 2024
9 am PT | 12 pm ET | 6 pm CET

We talk a lot about multi-cluster for high availability and performance, but there are actually a lot of other things you can do with multi-cluster. Used properly, multi-cluster brings you into a world where you can treat whole clusters like cattle: interchangeable building blocks that are easily replaced whenever it’s useful. Multi-cluster can simplify disaster recovery, migration between cloud providers, progressive delivery, and more. Join us to see how!

What you'll get out of this
  • Learn how to easily manage multicluster (and multizone) traffic
  • Find out how to simply swap out entire clusters
  • Understand how Linkerd works across clusters
Register for the workshop
Getting Ready

This is a hands-on workshop, so it’s important that you arrive prepared with a Kubernetes cluster and the Linkerd CLI installed on your machine! I'll use the latest edge release. Check out the Edge Getting Started Guide for specific instructions on how to set that up. (If you don’t want to do the hands-on portion, you are welcome to just listen in. But it won’t be as fun!)

Tech Evangelist

Flynn is a tech evangelist at Buoyant, where he works on spreading the good word about Linkerd — the graduated CNCF service mesh that makes the fundamental tools for software security and reliability freely available to every engineer — and about Kubernetes and cloud-native development in general. Flynn is also the original author and a maintainer of the Emissary-ingress API gateway, also a CNCF project.

Flynn's career in computing spans nearly forty years and runs the gamut from bringup on bare metal to distributed applications, with a common thread of communications and security throughout. He has spoken about Linkerd, Emissary-ingress, and other cloud native technologies at several conferences, including KubeCon/CloudNativeCon, DevOps Days, and the NYC Kubernetes meetup.