The "Introduction to Service Mesh with Linkerd" CNCF training course is now live!

The "Introduction to Service Mesh with Linkerd" CNCF training course is now live!

Charles Pretzer

Nov 12, 2020

It’s finally arrived! The CNCF’s Introduction to Service Mesh with Linkerd training course is now available. If you’re new to the service mesh, this course covers everything from basic service mesh concepts to practical implementations of Linkerd in a production environment.

The service mesh doesn’t have to be complicated

Service meshes play a key role in cloud native architectures. While there is a perception that service meshes must be complex, the reality is that they don’t have to be. This course will take you through a gentle introduction to Linkerd, the lightest, fastest, and simplest service mesh, with lots of examples and hands-on tutorials.

You’ll learn what service meshes are, how they work, and how they compare to other related technologies. During the hands-on section, you’ll learn how to install Linkerd on Kubernetes to transparently add mutual TLS (mTLS), get golden metrics, and perform blue-green or canary deploys of any Kubernetes application. You’ll leave with a solid understanding of how to deploy Linkerd to production, and keep it there.

From the creators of the service mesh

At Buoyant, we’ve helped organizations successfully adopt service meshes for years. Whether you want to just learn the basics, or whether this is the first step to a complete mastery of the service mesh, this course will allow you to learn directly from the people who invented the service mesh. You’ll hear from members of the Linkerd community as well as Buoyant CEO and Linkerd co-creator William Morgan.

Sign up today!

Buoyant makes Linkerd awesome

Buoyant is the creator of Linkerd and of Buoyant Cloud, the best way to run Linkerd in mission-critical environments. Today, Buoyant helps companies around the world adopt Linkerd, and provides commercial support for Linkerd as well as training and services. If you’re interested in adopting Linkerd, don’t hesitate to reach out!