Kubecon + CloudNativeCon North America 2017 Roundup

Kubecon + CloudNativeCon North America 2017 Roundup

William Morgan

Dec 11, 2017

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It’s a wrap. We’ve reached the end of this year’s KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America in Austin, TX. What a week we had! The unofficial theme of the conference quickly became the service mesh with some speakers dubbing 2018 as, “The Year of the Service Mesh”.

Want to learn more about Linkerd? Couldn’t make it to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon? We’re holding a special live Ask-Me-Anything event with Buoyant co-founders William Morgan and Oliver Gould. Join us today–Monday Dec 11 at 10am Pacific. They’ll be personally answering your questions in the Linkerd Slack channel.

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon saw a lot of content around Linkerd use in production and the newly born Conduit service mesh quickly became one of the stars of the show.

On Wednesday, Oliver ran an exciting live demo during the CloudNativeCon keynotes demonstrating just how easy it is to get started with Conduit and how powerful it can be. Sitting between updates from other CNCF projects, he only had 5 minutes to work with. But that was enough time to deliver updates around the Linkerd project, do a fresh install, inject Conduit into running services without restarts, and use it to troubleshoot a live production application interactively while it was in use by the audience. If you didn’t catch the keynote, you can see his demo in the audience-recorded clip below. We’ll post the full version once videos from the conference become available.

A snippet of the live Conduit 0.1 #servicemesh demo on stage @kubeconio by @olix0r @runconduit afterglow! ☸️ pic.twitter.com/bYapib80A4

— Jen Lankford has KubeCon FOMO (@jenlankford) December 9, 2017

Wednesday saw a flurry of activity around Linkerd in breakout sessions and the day ended with a Conduit Launch party that evening. Conduit became the center of attention on Thursday during a SIG session focused on improvements in the service mesh data plane. Then we wrapped up KubeCon with the 3rd ever Linkerd Community Meeting (and our first ever in person). Three customers presented uniquely different views of their use of Linkerd in production, Oliver took the crowd through an interactive look at why and how Conduit evolved along with an overview of its architecture, then he was joined by Brian Smith and Carl Lerche for an engineering AMA panel.

For questions, join us in the Linkerd Slack group.

Some of your questions might be answered by last week’s KubeCon coverage. Or these articles may inspire new questions from you. We have some highlights below to help get you started. Hope to chat with you at the AMA in a few hours!