OpenTelemetry distributed tracing and metrics can provide powerful standards-based observability tools for your microservices applications, and Linkerd can now support OpenTelemetry directly rather than requiring translating from OpenCensus.
In this Service Mesh Academy, we do a deep dive into the OpenTelemetry world with special guest Michele Mancioppi of Dash0, digging into how OpenTelemetry tracing and metrics work, how Linkerd interacts with them, and - sadly - why the extension is still called `linkerd-jaeger`. We'll finish off with a live demo of distributed tracing; join us to learn what's what with OpenTelemetry and get answers to all your distributed tracing questions!
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OpenTelemetry distributed tracing and metrics can provide powerful standards-based observability tools for your microservices applications, and Linkerd can now support OpenTelemetry directly rather than requiring translating from OpenCensus.
In this Service Mesh Academy, we do a deep dive into the OpenTelemetry world with special guest Michele Mancioppi of Dash0, digging into how OpenTelemetry tracing and metrics work, how Linkerd interacts with them, and - sadly - why the extension is still called `linkerd-jaeger`. We'll finish off with a live demo of distributed tracing; join us to learn what's what with OpenTelemetry and get answers to all your distributed tracing questions!
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