Service Mesh Academy
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Linkerd with external CAs using Vault

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Sep 14, 2023

Certificate management is a critical part of securely operating Linkerd. In many environments, that means working with an external certifying authority (CA) – and really, external CAs are a good idea even where they’re not mandated! In this Service Mesh Academy, we’ll walk you through why an external CA is a good idea, and how to set everything up with cert-manager, using Vault as our primary example.

Certificate management is a critical part of securely operating Linkerd. In many environments, that means working with an external certifying authority (CA) – and really, external CAs are a good idea even where they’re not mandated! In this Service Mesh Academy, we’ll walk you through why an external CA is a good idea, and how to set everything up with cert-manager, using Vault as our primary example.


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