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Linkerd Outside of Kubernetes: The Easy Way

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May 17, 2024

Linkerd has long been a staple of security, reliability, and observability in Kubernetes. In Linkerd 2.15, we can finally extend these benefits beyond your Kubernetes cluster! We've explored "mesh expansion" (expanding Linkerd's data plane to non-Kubernetes applications) quite a few times in past Service Mesh Academy sessions, but until now, we've had to do everything the hard way.

No longer. In the latest preview release of Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd (BEL), we have a new, streamlined mesh expansion management that can make deploying Linkerd on non-Kubernetes components significantly easier, whether on VMs, physical hardware, or something else. 

Andrew Gracey of SUSE's Cloud Native Edge Team joined us as we dug into this new feature. We demoed a working end-to-end Linkerd deployment that spanned both Kubernetes and non-Kubernetes components on a Raspberry Pi cluster running K3s.  Watch the recording for a hands-on walkthrough of how to easily get Linkerd's data plane running on VMs, physical hardware, edge devices, and more!

Linkerd has long been a staple of security, reliability, and observability in Kubernetes. In Linkerd 2.15, we can finally extend these benefits beyond your Kubernetes cluster! We've explored "mesh expansion" (expanding Linkerd's data plane to non-Kubernetes applications) quite a few times in past Service Mesh Academy sessions, but until now, we've had to do everything the hard way.

No longer. In the latest preview release of Buoyant Enterprise for Linkerd (BEL), we have a new, streamlined mesh expansion management that can make deploying Linkerd on non-Kubernetes components significantly easier, whether on VMs, physical hardware, or something else. 

Andrew Gracey of SUSE's Cloud Native Edge Team joined us as we dug into this new feature. We demoed a working end-to-end Linkerd deployment that spanned both Kubernetes and non-Kubernetes components on a Raspberry Pi cluster running K3s.  Watch the recording for a hands-on walkthrough of how to easily get Linkerd's data plane running on VMs, physical hardware, edge devices, and more!