Service Mesh Academy
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Building a Secure, Reliable, Observable IDP with Backstage and Linkerd

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Oct 17, 2024

Microservices applications are at the heart of cloud native, but they can be hard to work with. You need the security, reliability, and observability offered by a service mesh — and as your application grows and becomes more complex — you also need the kind of information and visibility offered by an internal developer platform (IDP). Historically, we've tended to approach these as completely different tools...but what if they can work together?

It turns out that giving the IDP direct access to all the critical information that the mesh already knows is a game-changer. Watch this session to see how Backstage and Linkerd can join forces to bring the depth of Linkerd's dynamic metrics to Backstage's single-pane-of-glass visibility into the application! We demo the newly available Linkerd plugin for Backstage, showing off how to get the most from both tools, and discussing

Microservices applications are at the heart of cloud native, but they can be hard to work with. You need the security, reliability, and observability offered by a service mesh — and as your application grows and becomes more complex — you also need the kind of information and visibility offered by an internal developer platform (IDP). Historically, we've tended to approach these as completely different tools...but what if they can work together?

It turns out that giving the IDP direct access to all the critical information that the mesh already knows is a game-changer. Watch this session to see how Backstage and Linkerd can join forces to bring the depth of Linkerd's dynamic metrics to Backstage's single-pane-of-glass visibility into the application! We demo the newly available Linkerd plugin for Backstage, showing off how to get the most from both tools, and discussing


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