

A collection of enterpise-focused documents to better inform you about the service mesh

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A collection of media resources to learn all about the service mesh

The recent popularity of eBPF has triggered a number of discussions of whether this technology will revolutionize the service mesh space. The promise of all the benefits that a service mesh can bring to your cloud-native infrastructure at a fraction of the performance and operational cost seems tantalizing.

During his session, Dominik Táskai, Junior DevOps Engineer at LeanNet, will make a case for how sometimes a lack of features is itself a feature: a technology focused on doing just a few things really, really well can often help us reach our goals faster than something that tries to do too much

Platform engineer Eli will share how they used Linkerd to load balance gRPC connections while realizing instant security, efficiency, and performance gains in just one week.

During this session, Björn Wenzel, Head of DevOps Platform at DB Schenker, will share how they migrated multiple microservices from one cloud to another.

In our quest to improve the security of our service mesh, eBPF seems like a logical solution. In particular, a per-host proxy which would eliminate the need for a sidecar as a part of our service mesh implementation.

In this talk, Maria Rojas, platform engineer at Pento, will share why this automated payroll company needed a service mesh that gets the job done without adding complexity.

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