Why not do good while learning about cloud native tech? Ambassador Labs, Jetstack, Civo, Weaveworks, Codefresh, and Buoyant have teamed up to donate $2 for each virtual booth visitor* to Black Girls Code, a non-profit committed to closing the opportunity gap for girls and women of color in the tech industry.
Be prepared for an action-packed schedule with tons of talks, demos, and fun activities. Visit our booths now and “save” the events you’d like to attend. *including Ambassador Lab’s Dev House attendees (a virtual co-located event)
All times are in Pacific Time (PT)
11:30 am: Live Office Hours with Andrew Hromis (Codefresh booth)
1:30 pm: Live Office Hours with Yoni Hendel (Codefresh booth)
5 to 7 am: Introduction to Kubernetes virtual workshop (Ambassador Lab’s Dev House)
10:30 am: Live Office Hours with Jesse Antoszyk (Codefresh booth)
10:30 am: The ultimate Linkerd Quiz! (Buoyant booth)
1:00 pm: Does Linkerd mesh with GitOps? Flux around and find out (Buoyant booth)
1:00 pm: The Benefits of Using Kubernetes w/ Anaïs Urlichs (Civo booth)
2:00 pm: Live Office Hours with Ralph Nguyen (Codefresh booth)
8 to 10 am: Continuous Delivery within Kubernetes virtual workshop (Ambassador Lab’s Dev House)
5 to 11 am: Dev House Day 2 Sessions (Ambassador Lab’s Dev House)
9:00 am: How to Use Secrets with GitOps and ArgoCD (Codefresh at Ambassador Lab’s Dev House)
10:30 am: Installing the Emissary ingress with the Linkerd service mesh (Buoyant booth)
10:30 am: Getting started with Civo Kubernetes (Civo booth)
10:30 am: Weave GitOps Core Demo (Weaveworks booth)
11.00 am: Jetstack Secure demo & presentation (Jetstack booth)
11.30 am: **cert-manager surgery **(Jetstack booth)
1:00 pm: Buoyant Cloud, the best way to run Linkerd (Buoyant booth)
2:00 pm: Applying GitOps on infrastructure with Civo, Crossplane, and Argo CD (Civo booth)
2:30 pm: Live Office Hours with Dustin Van Buskirk (Codefresh booth)
4:00 pm: Weave GitOps Enterprise Demo (Weaveworks booth)
5 to 11 am: Dev House Day 3 Sessions (Ambassador Lab’s Dev House)
10:30 am: Ask me anything with Oliver Gould and William Morgan! 😬 (Buoyant booth)
10:30 am: Weave GitOps Enterprise Demo (Weaveworks booth)
11:00 am: Live Office Hours with Hyrum Hilario (Codefresh booth)
11:00 am: Jetstack Secure demo & presentation (Jetstack booth)
12:30 pm: How to manage infrastructure with Helm (Civo booth)
3:00 pm: A GitOps Primer + Maturity Model (Weaveworks booth)
5 to 11 am: Dev House Day 4 Sessions (Ambassador Lab’s Dev House)
10:30 am: Running an application on Civo (Civo booth)
10:30 am: Weave GitOps Core Demo (Weaveworks booth)
11:30 am: Weave GitOps Enterprise Demo (Weaveworks booth)