Announcing KubeCrash Fall 2022 — the KubeCon Detroit Warm-up

Announcing KubeCrash Fall 2022 — the KubeCon Detroit Warm-up

Catherine Paganini

Aug 31, 2022

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Virtual. Free. 100% Open Source.

Are you a KubeCon geek who can't wait for Detroit to happen? No need to wait. Join us at KubeCrash, the KubeCon Detroit warm-up, for crash courses on cloud native tech by the maintainers of CNCF and other open source projects. This conference will get you fully up to speed with some of the biggest trends in cloud native open source. Hosted on October 5 and 6, this virtual, free, and 100% focused on open source event will be held at European- and Americas-friendly timezones. Check out the program and register today.

About KubeCrash

After a successful KubeCrash Spring event, with lots of great feedback from the community, we decided to host the Fall event before KubeCon. Two half-days — one from 3 to 6 pm Central European Time and the other one from 12 to 3 pm Eastern / 9 am to 12 pm Pacific Time — will make it easy for engineers on both continents to participate live. 

KubeCrash is hosted by seven open source companies who teamed up to bring you top-notch, KubeCon-grade crash courses on cloud native tech. No vendor pitches, just awesome open source content on projects such as Linkerd, cert-manager, CockroachDB, Pulumi, Polaris, and Goldilocks. Check out last KubeCrash's talks to get a sense of what to expect. 

Why open source

When it comes to enterprise-grade cloud native tooling, DevOps teams often drive the technology choices that are used to build Kubernetes production environments. Widely recognized as lower cost and more secure than proprietary software, we increasingly see engineers gravitate toward freely available open source. Open source can also be significantly easier to integrate and support than closed source solutions, which is why engineers love using them. 

In short, open source has become critical to any modern technology stack. KubeCrash aims to help engineering teams develop the needed skill set to effectively leverage these technologies in their production environments. During these two half-day knowledge sharing and virtual learning sessions for developers, reliability engineers, cloud security specialists, and platform engineers, will learn directly from the maintainers of some of the most popular open source projects. 

The KubeCrash program

Come prepared for a schedule packed with great content and actionable insights directly from thought leaders and the teams that maintain some of the ecosystem's most popular open source projects. From keynotes by Cheryl Hung to introductions to CNCF end user resources by their creators to technical sessions and workshops, and an end user case study, there's no shortage of amazing choices.  

Day 1: Wednesday, October 5 (European and East Americas-friendly timezone)

3 to 6 pm CET | 9 am to 12 pm EST | 8 to 11 am CST

Keynote: to be announced

Lighting talk: Intro to the CNCF Cloud Native Maturity Model by Danielle Cook, Co-chair CNCF Cartografos Group 

Whose cert is it anyway? How to build TLS trust using cert-manager by Ashley Davis, cert-manager team

Going Straight to the Edge by Dinesh Majrekar and Mark Boost, founders of Civo

Debugging Microservices "Remocally" in Kubernetes with Telepresence by Daniel Bryant, Head of DevRel, Ambassador Labs

Hands-on workshop: Service mesh observability with Linkerd by Flynn, Linkerd team and Emissary-ingress maintainer 

Day 2: Thursday, October 6 (Americas-friendly timezone)

12 to 3 pm EST | 11 am to 2 pm CST | 9 am to 12 pm PST

Keynote: Infrastructure Matters by Cheryl Hung, Engineering Manager, Apple 

Lighting talk:  The CNCF Cloud Native Glossary: Trusted. Simple. Community-driven by Catherine Paganini, Cloud Native Glossary Maintainer

Getting Started with Kubernetes Guardrails with Polaris by Andy Suderman Creator and Maintainer of Goldilocks and Stevie Caldwell, Creator of GoNoGo

End user cloud native journey (to be announced) by TBD

Crash course to be announced

Hands-on workshop: Program the Cloud with Six Pearls in Six Languages using Pulumi by Aaron Friel, Staff Software Engineer, Pulumi

Check out the program page for more details. 

Join us on October 5 and 6

Join us on October 5 and 6 for a specifically curated set of sessions, each led by a project maintainer, from projects covering modern cloud native security to improving the developer experience. It will be live, interactive, and fun. Register today!